Wednesday 15 April 2009

The Salon - a unique platform from which to retail...

I once met a salon owner who said to me “...retailing in the salon business is a mistake; no one comes to a salon to buy products.” Well I can’t tell you my horror! If you are like her then I suggest you give yourself a good shake, wake-up and listen to this... “Retailing is the only way to truly be successful in the salon business!!”

I opened my first salon completely not appreciating the importance of retail - I thought the treatments would make enough money. I soon realised this was a mistake and started trying to rectify the situation by creating displays and incentives for the team. Eventually the salon started retailing quite well, or so I thought... When I opened my second salon, I was lucky enough and through no conscious effort of my own to have two people join the team from pure retail backgrounds. Well it was phenomenal how the retail sales figures just shot up! We went from about 7% to around 30% after they joined! Yes, wow! That’s what you get when you know how to sell! Of course their abilities were inspirational and therefore infectious - everyone could see that selling wasn’t impossible!

If you personally have had average or limited success in retailing products then I can understand if you feel that this area of salon business is difficult - you don’t quite get it. You find that you generally avoid the subject and look to ‘blame’ the lack of sales on the client type, your location, the economy... anything but you!

So first things first, remove any personal mental blocks you may have about retailing in your salon and understand that salons offer a great and unique platform from which to sell!

Find out how to sell more products today...
£14.99 and we are told, worth every penny! successful x